Homeowners Beware: Scratching Sound you Hear Could be Rats in the Roof

With the arrival of autumn and cooler temperatures in Canada, unwanted invasive species are also making seasonal changes that could prove invasive to your house.

Pest Solutions across Canada are seeing an increasing number of calls from homeowners wanting to rid their homes of rats.

“I’ve had 10 calls for rat infestations so far this year,” Pest Control expert says, adding he recently rid a house of six adult and seven-week old rats.

The number of infestations has been on the rise in Ontario and continues year-over-year.

“Bedbugs, termites and rats are three pests you shouldn’t try to control by yourself,” Pest Control expert says, noting rats are neophobic and quickly learn to avoid traps and poison should either device fail to kill them the first time. He says poison should never be used in buildings, as rats can die in walls and leave a decomposing odour that will last from six to 12 months.

Evidence of rats can generally be heard. Homeowners will hear gnawing and scratching sounds, generally in the attic, particularly around dusk. He says the rats only need a 1/2 inch opening to get inside and can climb up just about any material.

Homeowners can help discourage infestations by leaving open ground in the yard, with trees a minimum of four feet from the house. Compost is an attractant and should be kept in sealed drums and in containers designed for the purpose..

New building methods can also present problems for homeowners when rats invade. Modern plumbing systems use plastic piping, which the rodents nibble on to access water.

With a gestation period of 22 days, rats can reach sexual maturity in two to three months. Although they only have an 18 month lifespan, they can breed five to eight pups in each birth cycle, which can occur four times a year.

With that in mind, it’s easy to understand Pest Control experts when they say, “Nothing can be done to get rid of them. They’re here to stay.”